Module Name | Remark | Module Description |
change_log | | Ensures that Changelog = Yes and there is nothing after Yes |
confidential_no_subscription_by_owner | lo | Alarms when Confidential = No and Subscription = By_Owner |
confidential_no_subscription_closed | lo | Alarms when Confidetial = No and Subscription = Closed |
content_filter | | For lists with Send = Public not followed by Non-Member, and no Moderator is installed, throws alarm, if the first rule in the active CONTENT_FILTER template is not REJECT, or there is no active CONTENT_FILTER at all. |
exit | | Exit = MAILING_LISTS_SIEVE is used in all lists. |
last_postings | ni lo | Informs the listowners, that the list wasn't used in the last six months. |
notebook | | Checks that one of Notebook = No or Notebook = Yes, /listserv/home/listname, Monthly is set. |
notebook_header | | Makes sure that Notebook-Header = Full |
review | | Alarms if Review = Public |
script_upload | ni | Uploads the Sieve scripts for the list |
send_public_ack_yes | (lo - in the future) | Alarms if Send = Public and Send != Non-Member and Ack = Yes |
send_public | (lo - in the future) | Send = (only) Public and no moderator is set. (probably useless module) |
send_public_confidential_no | (lo - in the future) | Alarms if Send = Public, but not Non-Member and Confidential = No |
send_public_confrim_nomoderator | | If Send = Public, Non-Member, Confirm and no Moderator is set (leads to bouncing emails). |
sub_lists | | Makes sure that all lists mentioned in Sub-lists do exist. |
subscription | | Alarms if Subscription= does not has By_Owner, Closed or Open as value. |
subscription_open_review_private | de | Fires alarm when Subscription = Open and Review = Private |
two_listowners | de | |
unused | ni (lo - in the future) | Reports if the list was never actively used. |
validate | | Validate = All, Confirm is used on all lists. |
valid_emails | | Checks if the emails in the keywords Configuration-Owner, Editor, Errors-To, Moderator, Owner, Review, Send are all valid (=match a regular expression g_regex_new("^[-.\\w+%]+@[-.\\w]+$", G_REGEX_RAW | G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE, 0, NULL);). |
web_archives | | Notebook != No and the file /home/listserv/public_html/listname/listname.private does exist. |