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4.1 managesieve

managesieve uploads Sieve scripts using the ManageSieve (RFC 5804) protocol. The module uses the same username/password for authentication while uploading all scripts, and the name of the script (without domain) for authorization.

The module supports Login, Cram-MD5 and Digest-MD5 authentication mechanisms with the gsasl library. The installed scripts are activated.


The managesieve module is adjusted within the [managesieve] section of the configuration file.

The host where the ManageSieve server runs.
The port where the Managesieve Server runs. If missing, 2000 is assumed.
The user used for authentication.
For authentication algorithms that have the sence of service, the value of this keyword is transmitted.
The password used for authentication.
The realm used for authentication.

Notes for using managesieve module with cyrus' timsieved.

Module managesieve is succesfully tested with cyrus' timsieved.

The genrated scripts can get very big, so adjust appropriately sieve_maxscriptsize in imapd.conf.

To upload the scripts for a mailing list, a mailbox called as the mailing list must exist. Otherwise the authorization does not succeed. Patch cyrus' timsieved's parser.c. Find the function cmd_authenticate and ignore the result of calling mboxlist_detail (approx. line 716, put in comment ret = FALSE; goto cleanup;.

Limitations: No support for TLS, Kerberos; No script deletion